Dendritic Excitability Microzones and Occluded Long-Term Depression After Classical Conditioning of the Rabbit's Nictitating Membrane Response

Bernard G. Schreurs, Daniel Tomsic, Pavel A. Gusev, Daniel L. Alkon
1997 Journal of Neurophysiology  
Schreurs, Bernard G., Daniel Tomsic, Pavel A. Gusev, and brain. The use of well-controlled behavioral paradigms, such Daniel L. Alkon. Dendritic excitability microzones and occluded as classical conditioning, has permitted this search to focus long-term depression after classical conditioning of the rabbit's on a relatively small number of areas (e.g., Thompson 1986; nictitating membrane response.
doi:10.1152/jn.1997.77.1.86 pmid:9120599 fatcat:egsolr2snja7lboui5jbznpiga