Sustainable procurement portfolio management: a case study in a mining company

Tamires Magalhães de Mello, Daniel Eckhardt, Adriana Leiras
2017 Production  
Sustainable procurement is a solution to integrate environmental and social considerations in all steps of procurement process, in order to reduce impacts on human health, environment, and human rights. Despite the existence of important works in this area, more studies for determining how the principles related to sustainable development can be integrated to procurement strategies are needed. This study presents a case study in a mining company to evaluate the elements that should be
more » ... for the implementation of sustainability concept in the contracting of services through the application of a sustainability portfolio model. Results show that the contracts of the internal movement's category of the studied company fit as Strategic Commodity, which means that the items in this category have a risk in the strategic supply, because they need investments made by the buyer in the relationship with the supplier.
doi:10.1590/0103-6513.213616 fatcat:3suppucfpjefnjshvznvnmjuuu