Postpartum Pancreatic Encephalopathy -A Rare Case

Lekhra OP Lekhra OP
2013 IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences  
A young female of postpartum pancreatic encephalopathy is described who presented with convulsions and coma . She had deranged lipase levels in blood, and cerebrospinal fluid along with abnormal white matter signals in MRI brain . As the patient improved with medical management, deranged blood lipase levels and abnormal MRI signals also improved. Pancreatic encephalopathy is a rare complication of pancreatitis in the setting of postpartum period. In any atypical neuropsychiatric condition with
more » ... bdominal symptoms the possibility of pancreatic encephalopathy should be considered after certain exclusions.
doi:10.9790/0853-0624143 fatcat:lpbtvzbooncw3ib6hpyv7xjtoi