The Coherent X-ray Sub-micro and Nanoprobe Stations for the CARNAUBA Beamline at the Sirius-LNLS Storage Ring

Carlos A. Perez, Helio C. N. Tolentino, Marcio M. Soares, Carlos S. B. Dias, Douglas Galante, Veronica de C. Teixeira, Dalton Abdala, Harry Westfahl
2018 Microscopy and Microanalysis  
CARNAÚBA (Coherent X-Ray Nanoprobe Beamline) is the tender-to-hard X-ray nanoprobe under construction at the new Brazilian synchrotron light source SIRIUS [1]. The beamline provides two separated experimental stations, one with sub-micrometer resolution and another with nanometer resolution, to cover various analysis techniques, including XRD, XAS, XRF, XEOL, CDI and ptychography with 2D and 3D imaging capabilities exploring the coherent properties of the light. The innovative modified-Delta
more » ... ulator, with four independent jaws, able to deliver any polarization, is optimized to provide photons with vertical polarization allowing for scattering in the horizontal plane from the source up to the endstations, with unitary polarization factor. The all achromatic CARNAÚBA optics, based on state-of-theart KB mirrors, covers continuously the energy range from 2.05 to 15 keV with a resolution of E/E=10 -4 , using an in-house developed four-bounce crystal monochromator. An unprecedent coherent flux @Si(111)BW close to 10 +11 -10 +12 ph/s/100mA will be delivered [2] .
doi:10.1017/s143192761801396x fatcat:67jjjku4lbdfhgn2bc44yezyny