Analisis Nilai Tambah Edamame Melalui Penanganan Pasca Panen menggunakan Air Berozon

Silvia Oktavia Nur Yudiastuti, Rizza Wijaya
2021 Jurnal ilmiah inovasi  
The value-added analysis is one of the most important investors instruments in determining the type and level of technology that will be used in the production process. The Food products added-value analysis of food products calculate the product added value due to the addition of technology types and or levels in the food processing process. The value-added analysis method used to analyze fresh edamame in this research was Hayami and Kawagoe. Edamame post-harvest processing is an important
more » ... ical point in the production of fresh edamame. Abiotic contamination, presence of pesticide residues, vitamin C oxidation, food fiber ingredients, sensory value, and color stability in post-harvest handling are some of the quality criteria that are important to be met. This research aim was to compare the fresh edamame value-added products handling using ozonated water technology with chlorine disinfection that has previously been used. Based on the research results, the added value of edamame minimal processing with ozone was 145 IDR/kg higher than chlorine processing. The addition of 45 IDR/kg as ozone technology effort investment in the edamame minimal processing has increased the edamame value-added ratio by 0.19%.
doi:10.25047/jii.v21i1.2625 fatcat:ooesmicd2rc4nf32m2v64oxvxi