A note on Dichrostachys cinerea in South Africa

J. H. Ross
1974 Bothalia: African Biodiversity & Conservation  
The nature o f the morphological variation within Dichrostachys cinerea (L.) Wight & Arn. in the area delimited for the Flora o f Southern Africa is discussed. An attempt is made to evaluate thetaxonomic significance o f some o f the differential characters employed by Brenan & Brummitt inBol. Soc. Brot., Sér. 2, 39: 61-115 (1965) in order to delimit the infraspecific taxa recorded from ourarea. Certain modifications to Brenan & Brummitt's treatment are proposed.
doi:10.4102/abc.v11i3.1458 fatcat:fbp42irxjbahlmxanl2cj7aw5y