Frequency of Antimicrobial Resistant Bacteria in Broiler Meat

Alina L. NISTOR, Mihaela MIHAI, Ancuța M. ROTAR, Carmen R. POP
2021 Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca: Food Science and Technology  
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) represents the ability of microorganisms to resist antimicrobial treatments. AMR occurs when microorganisms change in order to reduce or eliminate the effect of antimicrobials, which they were previously susceptible. There were reported animal food products contaminated with antimicrobial resistant strains, like methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Camylobacter spp., extended spectrum-beta-lactamase (ESBL) producing-Enterobacteriaceae (Salmonella
more » ... ., Escherichia coli, Klebsiella spp., Shigella spp. etc.). The aim of this paper is to analyze the frequency of antimicrobial resistant bacteria in broiler meat, at European level. Data were obtained based on the latest EFSA and ECDC Reports, comparing the year 2016 with the year 2018 of the incidence of Salmonella spp., different serovars of Salmonella enterica subs. enterica and Escherichia coli producing ESBL and AmpC, in broiler meat. The incidence of resistant Salmonella spp. showed a decrease between 2016 and 2018. However, the incidence increased for different resistant serovars. Salmonella Infantis showed a decrease in the two years taken into consideration. Regarding the incidence of ESBL E. coli in broiler meat, the results showed an increase for resistance to ceftazidime, ciprofloxacin and ampicillin.
doi:10.15835/buasvmcn-fst:2021.0006 fatcat:lmtruurdwnhabbcwzitoa6i4fm