Use of pasture silage as a summer supplement for ewes

P.V. Rattray
1983 Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association  
This paper reviews a number of trials conducted at Ruakura, where pasture silage was supplemented to ewes on restricted summer grazing. Early trials showed that such supplementation increased total intake and gains. Further improvements were obtained by wilting or chopping the silage. Initially flushing responses were disappointing, but subsequent work showed high quality pasture silage to be ideal for such purposes (up to 50-70 extra eggs shed and 5050 extra lambs born/l 00 ewes to silage
more » ... s) and for improving wool growth. This response was related to the amount of silage fed (from 0.25 to 0.75 kg DM/day), and was obtained with as little as 10 days feeding. The practical implications are discussed. Keywords: Sheep, nutrition, silage, flushing, ovulations, lambs born
doi:10.33584/jnzg.1983.44.1623 fatcat:wbz2ixw3mnhedicv2xxyuukd5i