Methods of Artificially Inducing Erythrocytic Inclusion Body Syndrome in Coho Salmon

Kiyotaka Takahashi, Nobuaki Okamoto, Yayoi Ikeda
1992 Gyobyo kenkyu - Fish pathology  
Methods for artificially inducing erythrocytic inclusion body syndrome(EIBS)in coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch, were studied. Healthy coho salmon(B.W.7-8g)were injected intraperitoneally or bath challenged with filtered homogenates of blood, spleen, head kidney, or excrement from naturally infected fish. The syndrome was induced by both injection and bath challenges.
doi:10.3147/jsfp.27.83 fatcat:veeez25ixjdh3lttq4ysez7oey