Parallel Algorithms for Generating Distinguishing Sequences for Observable Non-deterministic FSMs

Robert M. Hierons, Uraz Cengiz Türker
2017 ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology  
A distinguishing sequence (DS) for a finite state machine (FSM) is an input sequence that distinguishes every pair of states of the FSM. There are techniques that generate a test sequence with guaranteed fault detection power and it has been found that shorter test sequence can be produced if DSs are used. Despite these benefits, however, until recently the only published DS generation algorithms have been for deterministic FSMs. This paper develops a massively parallel algorithm, which can be
more » ... sed in GPU Computing, to generate DSs from partial observable non-deterministic FSMs. We also present the results of experiments using randomly generated FSMs and some benchmark FSMs. The results are promising and indicate that the proposed algorithm can derive DSs from partial observable non-deterministic FSMs with 32,000 states in an acceptable amount of time.
doi:10.1145/3051121 fatcat:joxeccrgyzbfbfmqr7orr7ntme