Balancing the Load on Cluster Head in MANET

Mr. Sandeep Mukherjee
2018 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
Wireless Communication is one of the most efficient and effective routing technique. If the packet loss has to be minimum then wireless routing technique proves to be efficient and effective method. MANET is automatically self configured and multi hop configured routing technique. When the talk on network simulating tool to configure the network is raised, NS2 hits the top position but as the comparison has to be done so to do that present scenario of the AODV with enhanced AODV protocol MATLAB
more » ... 2014A is best, which provides support for the mathematical operation among all the others. As far as the reactive routing protocol comes in ADHOC network hits the top list for the discussion of MANET, and when the network breakage and link error comes it's all due to mobile node used in the transmission. In today's scenario demand on efficient network is difficult task for any network topology or method, its mainly due to dynamic topology used in Adhoc network. Again due to heavy load on the node due to bandwidth information it makes it more difficult to anyone to achieve performance in network.
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2018.4395 fatcat:algp5cprnrhs5efz4fonrdvg74