Isomerization of Hexoses in Subcritical Water

Chisako USUKI, Yukitaka KIMURA, Shuji ADACHI
2007 Food science and technology research  
Mannose, fructose and glucose were treated in subcritical water at "*ῌC, and the disappearance of each substrate and formation of other hexoses were observed at various residence times in a tubular reactor. Isomerization of mannose to fructose occurred most frequently, followed by mannose to glucose ; no isomerization of glucose to mannose was observed. The temperature dependencies of mannose disappearance, the isomerization of mannose to fructose and glucose, and the resulting degradation of
more » ... e produced fructose and glucose were observed in the range of +2* to ,.*ῌC. The activation energy and frequency factor for each process were evaluated according to the Arrhenius equation, and it was found that the enthalpy-entropy compensation for the processes was maintained.
doi:10.3136/fstr.13.205 fatcat:5brpzucosze4fj7lumtyjuvwci