High-Voltage-Gain Integrated Boost-SEPIC DC-DC Converter for Renewable Energy Applications

Bruno Gomes de Assis, Eduardo Pacheco Carreiro Braga, Claudinor Bitencourt Nascimento, Eloi Agostini Junior
2019 Eletrônica de Potência  
This paper presents the analysis of a nonisolated high-voltage-gain single-switch dc-dc converter based on the integration of the boost and SEPIC topologies. The converter employs a voltage multiplier at the output of the SEPIC stage, which is connected in series with the output of the boost stage, aiming a high step-up ratio operation with limited duty cycle values. An accurate steady state analysis considering the influence of the leakage inductance of the SEPIC coupled inductor in the energy
more » ... transfer process is detailed in the paper. The several theoretical results are then used to derive a design methodology for the circuit. Experimental results for a 500 W, 48 V input voltage, 400 V output voltage, 96.3% peak efficiency and 100 kHz switching frequency prototype are provided to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed scheme and to validate the mathematical analysis carried out.  Keywords -High voltage gain, Integrated boost-SEPIC, Renewable energy systems, Snubberless converter. Claudinor Bitencourt Nascimento, born in 06/05/1971 in Tubarão-SC is an electrical engineer (1994), master (1996) and doctor (2005) in Electrical Engineering with the Federal University of Santa Catarina. He is currently a titular professor at the Federal University of Technology -Parana. His areas of interest are: lighting system, power factor correction circuits and new converter topologies. Eloi Agostini Júnior, born in 01/19/1983 in Lages-SC is an electrical engineer (2006), master (2008) and doctor in Electrical Engineer (2012) with the Federal University of Santa Catarina. He is currently a full professor at the Federal University of Technology -Parana. His areas of interest are: power converters, soft switching, power factor correction, converter modeling and renewable energy processing.
doi:10.18618/rep.2019.3.0025 fatcat:hdbuovn3pre3vbbeytrzwisyvm