Complex Contexts and Ideologies: Bilingual Education in Conflict-Ridden Areas

Zvi Bekerman
2005 Journal of Language, Identity & Education  
Bilingual education, though acknowledged as having the potential to help overcome a wide variety of societal and cultural tensions, remains controversial and frequently misunderstood. The present study examines the extent to which sociohistorical and political contexts, in conflict-ridden areas, influence language attitudes and the implementation of bilingual educational initiatives geared toward encouraging sociocultural tolerance and the recognition of each of the participating groups while
more » ... abling students to become bilingual. More specifically I investigate and document how a particular bilingual Arabic-Hebrew program is interpreted and implemented in an integrated Palestinian-Jewish educational initiative in Israel. The current effort hopes to stimulate educators, parents, and policymakers into thinking about how to develop dual-language programs to address the particular contextual challenges which, when left unaccounted for, can prejudice their bilingual educational efforts.
doi:10.1207/s15327701jlie0401_1 fatcat:6gcgp7acxvhd3c5by42kzhjdta