The structure function ratios F2C/F2D and F2C/F2D at small x

M. Arneodo, A. Arvidson, B. Badełek, M. Ballintijn, G. Baum, J. Beaufays, I.G. Bird, P. Björkholm, M. Botje, C. Broggini, W. Brückner, A. Brüll (+61 others)
1995 Nuclear Physics B  
We present the structure function ratios F2(Li)/F2(D) and F2(C)/F2(D) measured in deep inelastic muon-nucleus scattering at a nominal incident muon energy of 200 GeV. The kinematic range 0.0001 < x < 0.7 and 0.01< Q^2 < 70 GeV^2 is covered. For values of x less than 0.002 both ratios indicate saturation of shadowing at values compatible with photoabsorption results.
doi:10.1016/0550-3213(95)00023-2 fatcat:hlwawwnyqbbftlz3u5h4zbw4c4