TCP congestion control method of improving friendliness over satellite Internet

Hiroyasu Obata, Shingo Nishimoto, Kenji Ishida
2009 2009 7th International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing (ICICS)  
The number of wireless Internet service users that use wireless LAN or satellite links has increased. The broadband satellite Internet services have especially attracted attention because of its characteristics such as global coverage and robustness. TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is used by many typical applications over satellite Internet. However, a typical TCP (such as TCP-NewReno) which has been developed for wired networks performs poorly in wireless networks. Furthermore, the long
more » ... opagation delay of satellite links decreases performance of the typical TCP. TCP-STAR has been proposed to solve these problems by modifying TCP congestion control method. TCP-STAR achieves high-speed communication by using the estimated bandwidth. However, if TCP-STAR coexists with the typical TCP, TCP-STAR tends to reduce throughput of the typical TCP. On the other hand, TCP-Fusion has been proposed for wired high-speed networks. TCP-Fusion which uses delay-based and loss-based congestion control method achieves scalability and friendliness to the typical TCP. However, TCP-Fusion cannot obtain high performance over satellite Internet, since TCP-Fusion is developed for wired high-speed links. In this paper, we propose a TCP congestion control method for improving friendliness over satellite links. The proposed method combines TCP-Fusion's congestion control method and TCP-STAR's congestion control method. We evaluate the performance of the proposed method over satellite Internet using ns2 (Network Simulator version 2). As a result, the proposed method achieves good friendliness when the proposed method coexists with the typical TCP. Furthermore, it is found that the proposed method utilizes bandwidth of satellite links well.
doi:10.1109/icics.2009.5397708 fatcat:p7vj7q5tnvavxfxlghx6x5gsze