Observation of "Integration of Breath, Blood and Voice" Acupoint Control Singing to Rehabilitate Senile Dementia and Degenerative Deafness Cases

Zhao Ling
2017 Journal of US-China Medical Science  
PURPOSE: To observe the treat of Acupuncture point control singing rehabilitating senile dementia and degenerative deafness. TECHNIQUE: Utilizing the method of "Integration of Breath, Blood and Voice" Acupoint Control Singing to Rehabilitate Senile Dementia and Degenerative Deafness. CONSEQUENCE: After Four courses of treatment, the patients of senile dementia are able to talk and basically take care of themselves. Only one hour of practice lead the patients with mild senile dementia to remove
more » ... he audiphone and sing successfully. The elderly patients with degenerative deafness in the two courses of treatment showed significant improvement with language recognition rate. CONCLUSION: This high-energy and low consumption comprehensive method has a good effect for the rehabilitation of the patients with senile dementia and senile degenerative deafness.
doi:10.17265/1548-6648/2017.03.008 fatcat:mskpgvxe2ncjfasf2mkjcksbpy