Index filtering and view materialization in ROLAP environment

Shi Guang Qiu, Tok Wang Ling
2001 Proceedings of the tenth international conference on Information and knowledge management - CIKM'01  
Using materialized view to accelerate OLAP queries is one of the most common methods used in ROLAP systems. However, high storage and computation cost make this method very difficult to be implemented in the actual environment. Among various issues associated with this, index selection and view materialization are two of the top challenges. In this paper, we propose to build indexes on subsets of the primary keys rather than the full sets if the index selectivity for these smaller indexes can
more » ... maintained above the required level. Based on that we propose an index filtering rule, Dominant Prime (DPrime) Index Set Filter, to filter out candidate indexes that have insufficient index selectivity or have cheaper alternatives. In the second part, we propose a view materialization method, Nested Relation Approach, to group tuples with the same value for index attributes into one super tuple using a nested relation and implement this method using Oracle VARRAY. In performance tests, our method outperforms others significantly.
doi:10.1145/502641.502642 fatcat:m4wyri3bi5gazlny7puznqlg2m