A study of teaching method using context dependency regarding calculation ability

Takashi MISAKI
1999 Journal of Science Education in Japan  
A study of teaching method using context depende 皿 ey regarding calculation ability Takashi MISAKI Omi lower secondary school We developed a method of learning bascd upon the student 「 s ability to do ca 且 culations that were context depelldent , and have sufficient evidence to prove the validity of this矼 1ethodology . We established a control group and an experirnent group , Wc taught the experiment group by using naturally occuring phenomena as the context for iearning mathematics . The
more » ... l group were taught directly from the textbook . These two teaching methodologies were implimented in the mathematics and science classcs and t} 1e differences between them were compared . As for the experiment group , though thcre was no difference in the number of questions that they answered as compared with the control group , there was a difference in the ways the two groups responded to the problems as indicated by their thought processes . We , therefore , arguc think that the rnethod of teaching science in context is as effective as teaching
doi:10.14935/jssej.23.348 fatcat:uhjntocxjvdlbnldmilb2cmg5q