Resource-Efficiency and Critical Raw Materials in Covid-19 and Recovery

DeWit Andrew
In Japan, the Covid-19 pandemic has led to an accelerating diff usion of all-hazard, disaster-resilient policy integration. Japan's initiatives centre on maximizing the co-benefi ts from the deployment of scarce fi scal, material, human and other resource. This paper shows that Japanese experts have not only built a resource-effi cient Covid-19 response, but are also using the crisis to ramp up Japanese-style collaboration on resource-effi cient and sustainable communities, both in Japan and
more » ... rseas. The paper also details why this resource-effi ciency is essential in the critical raw materials sector. Japan's initiatives could be an important indicator of how to stay on track, at a time when action on the climate challenge risks being derailed. Japan's measures further integrate the UN 2030 Agenda's three pillars of the Paris Agreement, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) ,and the Sendai Framework of Disaster
doi:10.14992/00020007 fatcat:gbcq4koztvdonitwds4rymy54a