The Effect of International Migration towards Entrepreneurship in Indonesia

Wildan Syafitri, Silvi Asna Prestianawati, Naufal Fa'is
2020 Proceedings of the 23rd Asian Forum of Business Education(AFBE 2019)   unpublished
This study was aimed at determining the effect of the characteristics of Indonesian migrant workers (TKI) on entrepreneurial power after returning to Indonesia. To achieve the research objectives, the authors use a descriptive quantitative approach. The results obtained are that the variables of gender and education affect the ability of entrepreneurship in full time TKI. This research can be used to make regulations or programs in order to improve the quality of migrant workers in Indonesia
doi:10.2991/aebmr.k.200606.025 fatcat:sa3evtb5ybbg5ggvmuguhcwvfa