Ecolinguistic Perspectives on Our Surroundings

Katarina Ghdaye, Valentina Bailo, Eliana Fortunato, Sidonia Gadient, Ilenia Gosgnach, Mattia Mantellato, Martina Napolitano, Federica Rinaldi, Gemma Roman
Language, ecology and the stories we live by (2015), we have written our own critiques concerning narratives in our everyday lives. After a semester of studying issues concerning ecolinguistics, many of us were able to draw upon present-day examples and address discourses which, at a closer analysis, reveal themselves as problematic for nature and humankind as part of nature. Relationships create discourse. Whether they create positive or negative discourses, it is important to recognize the
more » ... ction and blending of the two when brought together. Presented in this collective work will be many examples of relationships, including and not restricted to: relationships between media and consumers; relationships of the writers and the products/services being presented; and relationships between people and the environment. How the population of the world and the environment coexist is the main theme presented in the following essays. Each author in regards to the stories she/he lives by has provided a personal, critical analysis found in the following collection of short text. The attention towards the correlation of linguistic elements to environmental aspects transforms these separate texts into different and complementary tesserae of the same mosaic composition. Nature and its relationship to us is the main theme to all the following texts, demonstrating that no matter the discourse, our source of life is always present. Reference Arran Stibbe. Ecolinguistics: Language, ecology and the stories we live by. London: Routledge (2015).