Beneficial effects of Stevioside on AGEs, blood glucose, lipid profile and renal status in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats

Urmila Aswar, Vinayak Gogawale, Pankaj Miniyar, Yugendra Patil
2019 Journal of Applied Biomedicine  
The advanced glycated end products (AGEs) are formed in the diabetic patients; it is a major cause of macrovascular and microvascular complications in diabetes. Clinically there is no treatment available for the AGEs. Stveoside (Stv), a sweetener has potent anti-diabetic and anti-oxidant activity. Hence, we investigated its use in prevention of AGEs formation using in vitro and in vivo models. Diabetes was induced by streptozotocin (STZ). These rats were kept without treatment till blood HbA1c
more » ... as markedly increased. They were then divided into 5 groups and treated orally with vehicle or Metformin (MET) or Stv respectively for 28 days. Every 7th day, animals were tested for body weight and blood glucose (BG). On the last day of treatment, all the groups were evaluated for physiological and biochemical parameters, histopathology and AGEs; N-carboxymethyl-lysine (CML) estimation. Stv showed inhibition of AGEs in in vitro as well as in in vivo respectively. Positive effects were seen on the BG, lipid profile and urine parameters as well it showed reduced formation of CML. It also showed antihyperglycaemic, antihyperlipedemic and nephroprotective activities. The present study provides scientific rationale for the use of Stv as a sweetener with additional benefits in diabetes.
doi:10.32725/jab.2019.013 pmid:34907701 fatcat:k36kvr6d55ebdhxpic525hlq4m