Measurement of the average energy and multiplicity of prompt-fission neutrons from 238U(n,f) and 237Np(n,f) from 1 to 200 MeV

J. Taieb, T. Granier, T. Ethvignot, M. Devlin, R. C. Haight, R. O. Nelson, J. M. O'Donnell, D. Rochman
2007 ND2007   unpublished
Taking advantage of the neutron source of the LANCSE, it has been possible to obtain a measure of the velocity distribution and the number of prompt-neutrons emitted in the neutron-induced fission of 238 U and 237 Np over a broad incident neutron energy range. The mean kinetic energy was extracted and is shown as a function of the incident-neutron energy. We confirm here the observation, for both reactions, of a dip around the second-chance fission which is explained by the lower kinetic energy
more » ... of the pre-fission neutrons. Such a observation is reproduced by Los Alamos model as implemented at Bruyères-le-Châtel and by the Maslov model. As far as the neutron multiplicity is concerned, a similar dip is observed.
doi:10.1051/ndata:07676 fatcat:3ui5vyh4tfg7flpbmopaayiyvy