Green Design of Regional Wheat Supply Chains under Uncertainty

Reza Babazadeh, Meisam Shamsi
2022 Scientia Iranica. International Journal of Science and Technology  
This study presents a fuzzy mathematical programming model to optimize regional wheat hub center in Iran with the aim of achieving green fulfillment of domestic demand, swap and export of wheat to neighboring countries. The proposed model is developed for a 10-year planning horizon with real-world assumptions under uncertainty. By the proposed model, the optimal decisions are made on the amount of wheat cultivation areas in different provinces, capacity of silos, amount of import, swap and
more » ... t of wheat, transportation mode and storage amount of wheat in different periods. Two objective functions including economic and environmental goals are optimized by the proposed model. The proposed model is examined under uncertainty conditions and the possibilistic programming approach is used to deal with the uncertainty of parameters. Finally, the presented model is validated through investigating a real case study in Iran. The results show the efficiency of the model for making optimal strategic and tactical decisions in wheat supply chains.
doi:10.24200/sci.2022.56383.4702 fatcat:gshlbe4vxfccfburyrz4niyjyq