Variance-Based Sensitivity Analysis: Preliminary Results in COAMPS

Caren Marzban, Scott Sandgathe, James D. Doyle, Nicholas C. Lederer
2014 Monthly Weather Review  
Numerical weather prediction models have a number of parameters whose values are either estimated from empirical data or theoretical calculations. These values are usually then optimized according to some criterion (e.g., minimizing a cost function) in order to obtain superior prediction. To that end, it is useful to know which parameters have an effect on a given forecast quantity, and which do not. Here the authors demonstrate a variance-based sensitivity analysis involving 11 parameters in
more » ... e Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System (COAMPS). Several forecast quantities are examined: 24-h accumulated 1) convective precipitation, 2) stable precipitation, 3) total precipitation, and 4) snow. The analysis is based on 36 days of 24-h forecasts between 1 January and 4 July 2009. Regarding convective precipitation, not surprisingly, the most influential parameter is found to be the fraction of available precipitation in the Kain-Fritsch cumulus parameterization fed back to the grid scale. Stable and total precipitation are most affected by a linear factor that multiplies the surface fluxes; and the parameter that most affects accumulated snow is the microphysics slope intercept parameter for snow. Furthermore, all of the interactions between the parameters are found to be either exceedingly small, or have too much variability (across days and/or parameter values) to be of primary concern AU1 .
doi:10.1175/mwr-d-13-00195.1 fatcat:hxfqcksvgjdjxp345hhmpjb2hi