Synthesis and performance of a novel polyurethaneurea as pervaporation membrane for the selective removal of phenol from industrial waste water

Tarakranjan Gupta, Narayan C. Pradhan, Basudam Adhikari
2002 Bulletin of Materials Science  
Hydroxyterminated polybutadiene (HTPB) was reacted with 2,4-toluene diisocyanate (TDI) followed by the addition of a diamine chain extender (prepared by the condensation reaction of 4,4′ ′diaminodiphenylsulfone and terepthalaldehyde) to prepare an imine containing polyurethaneurea (PIUU). The prepared polyurethaneurea was caste in order to obtain polymer film. The new polyurethaneurea film showed high phenol selectivity as pervaporation membrane. About 88% phenol was obtained in condensed
more » ... te when pervaporation was performed at 50°C with 7% aqueous phenol solution as feed and permeate side pressure was maintained at 5 mm of Hg.
doi:10.1007/bf02710544 fatcat:fp4m6l4mqjgb3bhid5df5df4ua