Socjoterapia w procesie niesienia pomocy dziecku dorastającemu w rodzinie dysfunkcyjnej

Katarzyna Janiszewska
2022 Zenodo  
Sociotherapy in the process of helping a child growing up in a dysfunctional family Katarzyna Janiszewska in the chapter Sociotherapy in the process of helping a child growing up in a dysfunctional family, proposes an analysis of sociotherapy as an important concept in social consciousness, which refers to the form of a helping group influence. It is used by educators, teachers, social workers, psychologists and other professions that may be professionally related to sociotherapy. The
more » ... of sociotherapeutic classes are children and young people from dysfunctional families. The author of the article describes problems in dysfunctional families and gives examples of forms of support for such families. It introduces the roles and competences of a sociotherapist, as a specialist whose skills have a significant impact on the process of sociotherapy. The aim of the chapter is also an attempt to define sociotherapy as a group form of psychological help. Targeted at children and adolescents from dysfunctional families and from the risk group who manifest disorders in psychosocial functioning. In her article, the author discussed the support factors used by the sociotherapist during his classes.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.7494636 fatcat:5x37yuvf2zbr3pbzrrhuxfen7m