Friction coefficient measurements of silencers on specialized duct tract

Stanislav Sehnalek, Pavel Drabek, Martin Zalesak, N. Mastorakis, V. Mladenov, A. Bulucea
2016 MATEC Web of Conferences  
This article describes test methods on air duct track in Laboratory of Environmental Engineering. It focuses on measurement of silencer parameter like is pressure loss coefficient. Firstly, the paper describe the measurement apparatus with description of calculation method by standard ISO 7235 and energy equation. Then the paper presents three ways how to accomplish measurement because such way is not covered by procedure in standard. Then follows the evaluation of results of measurements on
more » ... ee types of silencer designed for HVAC applications. The article is concluded with discussion over measured data with outline for further research.
doi:10.1051/matecconf/20167601011 fatcat:b2zz7rva5jhbfddp7wxfwos7qi