Modified theory of gravity and clustering of multi-component system of galaxies

Mir Hameeda, Behnam Pourhassan, Mir Faizal, C. P. Masroor, Rizwan Ul Haq Ansari, P. K. Suresh
2019 European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields  
In this paper, we analyze the clustering of galaxies using a modified theory of gravity, in which the field content of general relativity has been be increased. This increasing in the field content of general relativity changes the large distance behavior of the theory, and in weak field approximation, it will also modify the large distance behavior of Newtonian potential. So, we will analyzing the clustering of multi-component system of galaxies interacting through this modified Newtonian
more » ... tial. We will obtain the partition function for this multi-component system, and study the thermodynamics of this system. So, we will analyze the effects of the large distance modification to the Newtonian potential on Helmholtz free energy, internal energy, entropy, pressure and chemical potential of this system. We obtain also the modified distribution function and the modified clustering parameter for this system, and hence observe the effect of large distance modification of Newtonian potential on clustering of galaxies.
doi:10.1140/epjc/s10052-019-7281-7 fatcat:aqnh3l7slfarhh7odfnlvw5xue