Automated 3-D PDM construction from segmented images using deformable models

M.R. Kaus, V. Pekar, C. Lorenz, R. Truyen, S. Lobregt, J. Weese
2003 IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging  
In recent years, several methods have been proposed for constructing statistical shape models to aid image analysis tasks by providing a priori knowledge. Examples include principal component analysis of manually or semiautomatically placed corresponding landmarks on the learning shapes [point distribution models (PDMs)], which is time consuming and subjective. However, automatically establishing surface correspondences continues to be a difficult problem. This paper presents a novel method for
more » ... the automated construction of three-dimensional PDM from segmented images. Corresponding surface landmarks are established by adapting a triangulated learning shape to segmented volumetric images of the remaining shapes. The adaptation is based on a novel deformable model technique. We illustrate our approach using computed tomography data of the vertebra and the femur. We demonstrate that our method accurately represents and predicts shapes. Index Terms-Computed tomography (CT), deformable models, image processing, segmentation, shape models.
doi:10.1109/tmi.2003.815864 pmid:12906254 fatcat:lna5lhka75flfhdbtckq3v4riu