Heterogeneous Inertia Estimation for Power Systems with High Penetration of Converter-Interfaced Generation

Diala Nouti, Ferdinanda Ponci, Antonello Monti
2021 Energies  
The increasing and fast deployment of distributed generation is posing challenges to the operation and control of power systems due to the resulting reduction in the overall system rotational inertia and damping. Therefore, it becomes quite crucial for the transmission system operator to monitor the varying system inertia and damping in order to take proper actions to maintain the system stability. This paper presents an inertia estimation algorithm for low-inertia systems to estimate the
more » ... a (both mechanical and virtual) and damping of systems with mixed generation resources and/or the resource itself. Moreover, the effect of high penetration of distributed energy resources and the resulting heterogeneous distribution of inertia on the overall system inertia estimation is investigated. A comprehensive set of case studies and scenarios of the IEEE 39-bus system provides results to demonstrate the performance of the proposed estimator.
doi:10.3390/en14165047 fatcat:d4spok2i55a67gvzitw23qjske