An Agent Based Model of the System of Electricity Production Systems: Exploring the Impact of CO2 Emission-Trading

Emile J.L. Chappin, Gerard P.J. Dijkema
2007 2007 IEEE International Conference on System of Systems Engineering  
To elucidate the impact of CO 2 Emission-Trading on the European electricity production system-ofsystems an Agent Based Model has been developed. The model emulates the long-term evolution of the European electricity production system-of-systems as a series of investment decisions by independent agents. Simulation results are reported that underpin recommendations for European CO 2 -policy. A live model will be presented.
doi:10.1109/sysose.2007.4304239 dblp:conf/sysose/ChappinD07 fatcat:qqpwtqqkjjfndemfwokm2ixh2y