Factor Analysis of Key Success Indicators in Curriculum Quality Assurance Operation for Bachelor's Degree in Physical Education

Thitipong Sukdee, Songpol Tornee, Chanita Kraipetch
2017 International Journal of Higher Education  
The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors of key success indicators in curriculum quality assurance operation for bachelor's degree in Physical Education. The 576 subjects were selected using cluster sampling from curriculum lecturers, staffs, and lecturers at the Academy of Physical Education Curriculum. The instrument was a related questionnaire with a 1-5 rating scale. The data were analyzed using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) with principal component analysis and orthogonal
more » ... tation by the Promax method.The results of the study revealed that there were four factors influencing key success indicators in curriculum quality assurance operation for bachelor's degree in Physical Education, sorted by priority. The four factors are: 1) learning management and student assessment components, 2) student potential improvement components, 3) quality of lecturer components, and 4) system and mechanism of curriculum administration. Generally, the obtained factors accounted for 70.166 percent of key success indicators in curriculum quality assurance operation for bachelor's degree in Physical Education.
doi:10.5430/ijhe.v6n3p109 fatcat:ykl7dgwfardnxch6iulc2kocfi