Effect of synthesis temperature on the properties of ZnO/CuO nanocomposites
Влияние температуры синтеза на свойства нанокомпозитов ZnO/CuO

Y.Y. Kedruk, Satbayev University, M.B. Aitzhanov, L.V. Gritsenko, Kh.A. Abdullin, al-Farabi Kazakh national university, Satbayev University, al-Farabi Kazakh national university
2020 Vestnik KazNRTU  
Х и м ик о -ме та л л у рг и че ски е на ук и №5 2020 Вестник КазНИТУ 784 УДК 539.215.9 Abstract. In this work ZnO/CuO nanocomposite materials were synthesized by the low-cost chemical deposition. Photocatalytic activity, morphology, and structural properties of synthesized composite materials were studied. It was noted that the morphology of the synthesized ZnO/CuO samples depend on the synthesis temperature. It was found that the obtained composites demonstrate photocatalytic activity, which
more » ... llows them to be used as catalytically active substances, for wastewater treatment. It was noted that degradation of the RhB dye was more active in presence of samples synthesized at a lower temperature.
doi:10.51301/vest.su.2020.v141.i5.131 fatcat:klgoppytijd7pmarrghzpeizwa