GC-FID phytochemical analysis of selected antidiabetic herbal preparations sold in Onitsha metropolis, Anambra state, Nigeria

Stephen Udoka Ojukwu, Onyegbule FA, Umeyor CE
2021 Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies  
Diabetes has become one of the world's most serious public health problems. The importance of plant extracts in diabetes management is widely acknowledged. This study was designed to determine the phytochemical compositions of the selected herbal preparations, which is used for treatment of Diabetes in Nigeria. Standard method was employed and gas chromatography-flame ionization detector (GC-FID) instrument used for the analysis and quantification of phytochemicals present in the samples. The
more » ... alyses revealed the presence of 23 bioactive compounds and they includeTannin and Flava 3 ol in different concentrations. However, tannin and flava 3 ol are absent in all except Blessed father which have oxalate, ribalinidine and phenol absent. Steroids and spartein are absent in colon cleanser, while epicatechin, rutin, oxalate, sapogenin, kaempferol and resveratrol are all absent in Ashietu Adams. Evaking herbal also does not contain epicathechin. The herbal preparations contained pharmacologically active compounds which support its traditional use for the treatment of Diabetes.
doi:10.22271/plants.2021.v9.i4a.1313 fatcat:czpgje6y75g7hjf22qsql5qmum