OTH-5 Functional gastrointestinal disorders and associated health impairment in individuals with coeliac disease

Sophie Parker, Olafur Palsson, David Sanders, Magnus Simren, Ami Sperber, Hans Tornblom, William Whitehead, Heidi Urwin, Imran Aziz
2021 Oral   unpublished
median duration of LAMS placement was 44 days. No procedural or delayed LAMS related complications occurred. Conclusion Appropriate pre-procedural cross-sectional imaging facilitates identification and treatment of underlying pseudoaneurysm in this complex patient group. Post procedure interval imaging enables quantification of the residual collection to determine the benefit of long term plastic stents or additional drainage procedure. Our experience suggests adherence to a rigorous imaging
more » ... tocol may reduce the risk of complication associated with LAMS deployment.
doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2021-bsg.25 fatcat:zspl745zd5ag3jsn4vmuur7vuq