Modeling of the Certification Process for Physiotherapy services

Fernanda Koehler, Patsy Geraldine Balconi Mandelli, Dorzeli Salete Trzeciak, Lia Caetano Bastos
2020 International journal for innovation education and research  
Gaining attention in all nations, the service sector, among other things, guarantees improved standards of living for the population. When it comes to health services, some accreditation and certification models already exist in the hospital environment, encompassing both these aspects. Currently, in Brazil, a certification model for specific Physiotherapy service providing companies exists, which comprises infrastructure, services, and consumer satisfaction aspects. This article aimed to
more » ... be this certification process using the IDEF model for modeling processes. Research results show that the IDEF method allows for a high level of process detailing, and that developing a framework for the certification process for Physiotherapy services provides a better understanding and presents a structured description of the process.
doi:10.31686/ijier.vol8.iss10.2665 fatcat:3hawldl5u5g43ayiqixaeqcqse