Coupling a small torsional oscillator to large optical angular momentum

H. Shi, M. Bhattacharya
2013 Journal of Modern Optics  
We propose a new configuration for realizing torsional optomechanics: an optically trapped windmill-shaped dielectric interacting with Laguerre-Gaussian cavity modes containing both angular and radial nodes. In contrast to existing schemes, our method can couple mechanical oscillators smaller than the optical beam waist to the in-principle unlimited orbital angular momentum that can be carried by a single photon, and thus generate substantial optomechanical interactions. Combining the
more » ... of small mass, large coupling, and low clamping losses, our work conceptually opens the way for the observation of quantum effects in torsional optomechanics.
doi:10.1080/09500340.2013.778341 fatcat:smwli36gvrdgpnchbrotjrd2sy