Transverse coronal loop oscillations seen in unprecedented detail by AIA/SDO

R. S. White, E. Verwichte
2012 Astronomy and Astrophysics  
Aims. Detailed analysis of 11 transverse coronal loop oscillations in three events observed with the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) instrument on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) spacecraft. Detailed analysis includes analysis of the displacement time series, intensity variations and comparing EUVI and AIA data to estimate the 3D loop geometry. Methods. Time distance images extracted from cuts made perpendicular to the oscillations are obtained. A Gaussian plus background fitting
more » ... echnique is used to extract the time series which is then fitted with a damped cosine curve. Intensity variations are extracted along the time series points. EUVI/STEREO data is compared to AIA/SDO data to obtain three-dimensional models of the loop geometry. Results. Time series analysis revealed periods between 1.7 and 10 min and damping times between 2.9 and 13 min. Intensity variations are reliably observed for six of the loops and a comparison between EUVI/STEREO and AIA/SDO data is performed to simulate the polarisation of the kink mode. We conclude that the intensity variations are due to variations in the line of sight column depth of a horizontally polarised transverse loop oscillation. Coronal seismology of the kink mode was applied to determine the range of the internal Alfvén speed and the magnetic field strength for each loop.
doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201118093 fatcat:kub2dylfiffn3cisa5uyxe5s7i