行為指示表現の歴史的変遷 : 尊敬語と受益表現の相互関係の観点から
The Evolution of Directive Expressions : Usage of Honorifics and Benefactive Verbs

2010 Studies in the Japanese Language  
pragmatic rules perative form, in this study, I investigate the evolution of directive expressions, in particular, the usage of the imperativc form of honorifios and benelactive verbs. Directive expressions are classified into four types: command, command that benefits the heareg request, and advice. These types are classdied under benefit (speaker or hearer) and authority (speaker or hearer). In Middle Japancse (around }600), benefactive verbs were only used as requests. Howeve4 in Early
more » ... Japanese (l610-1868: Edo period), these verbs were also used as advice, and in Modern Japanese (1868-1926: Meiji period-Taisho period), they were used as all the fbur abovementioned types of directive expressions. Honorifics, on the other hand, wcre used as all the types in Middlc Japanese, but in Early Modern Japanese, they were not used as requests. In present-day Japanese (Showa period-), they cannot be used as advice. In other words, honorifics cannot be used to hearcrs who have priority as directive expressions, This change has been brought about by the fbrmation of the pragmatic rule that the speaker must show the benefit to himself by using bcnefactivc verbs. This pragmatic rule was in practice until Modern Japanese. As a result, benefactive verbs haye become polite directive expressions in present-day Japancse, and honorifics, which do not show benefit, cannot be used with a superior.
doi:10.20666/nihongonokenkyu.6.2_78 fatcat:snn77gygtndffcv4tqzn3cqooy