Development of Exploratory Learning Mode Matrix Teaching Materials Based on Geogebra Classroom

2022 Journal of Research in Vocational Education  
The purpose of the study was to determine the feasibility, practicality and effectiveness of mathematics learning tools, especially the Matrix material with the Geogebra Classroom -based Discovery Learning learning model in class XI of the Nursing expertise program at SMK Negeri 1 Tondano. There are 24 students in the class. The focus of the research is developing learning tools which include Learning Implementation Plans (LIP), Student Worksheets (SW), Learning Outcomes Tests (LOT), and Matrix
more » ... Teaching Materials with the Geogebra Classroom -based Discovery Learning learning model. . The development model used is a mathematical didactic research design. Generic Research Design Model which explicitly describes an integrated cycle of research activities, designs and outputs that interact directly and indirectly with practice. The results of this study indicate that the products developed, namely LIP, SW, LOT, Teaching Materials to teach mathematics, especially Matrix material with the Geogebra Classroom platform meet the valid, practical and effective criteria.
doi:10.53469/jrve.2022.04(09).10 fatcat:p33qi6qcw5bpzf74xifcc6noz4