Is activation of human brown adipose tissue a viable target for weight management?

Kara L. Marlatt, Kong Y. Chen, Eric Ravussin
2018 American Journal of Physiology. Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology  
Marlatt KL, Chen KY, Ravussin E. Is activation of human brown adipose tissue a viable target for weight management? Am J Physiol To date, human studies show that brown adipose tissue (BAT) contributes a small yet highly variable amount to overall energy expenditure. No studies have shown a decrease in body weight with cold-induced BAT activation, and existing pharmacological studies suggest that BAT activation via the sympathetic nervous system may result in increased heart rate and systolic
more » ... od pressure. Furthermore, even though the amount and/or activity of BAT have been shown to vary with seasons, such variation does not seem to be translated into weight changes. Collectively, these findings do not support the use of BAT activation for weight loss in humans; however, the potential role of BAT in counteracting the metabolic adaptation observed with weight loss is suggested. Although the role of BAT in weight control is currently unsubstantiated, BAT may play a role in improving insulin sensitivity in humans.
doi:10.1152/ajpregu.00443.2017 pmid:29741929 fatcat:dooxwzribja4phhi3iqva4eh4a