Content analysis of open innovation communities using latent semantic indexing

M. R. Martínez-Torres
2015 Technology Analysis & Strategic Management  
Open innovation (OI) represents an emergent paradigm by which customers and users are involved as part of the innovation processes of organisations. One of its most popular implementation schemes is OI communities, which have been popularised by the use of social software. Through these communities, users are free to post, share, comment and evaluate other users' ideas, and they can interact with other users as well as with the innovation department and experts of the organisation. One of the
more » ... allenges of OI communities is distinguishing the most innovative ideas, as they receive hundreds or even thousands of ideas. This paper proposes a novel approach for this task consisting of analysing the content of shared ideas. Through this analysis, several conclusions about the decision processes of the organisation can be inferred. The obtained results can help OI managers to improve ideas evaluation processes.
doi:10.1080/09537325.2015.1020056 fatcat:r5lx4r5tejcttnkslinjtkalby