Lifetime Enhancement of Wireless Sensor Network by Efficient Clustering Using Nature Inspired Algorithm

Anjali Thakur
2018 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is one of the most promising and leading technology which comprises of autonomous, multifunctional, self-governing battery powered devices known as sensor nodes. These sensor nodes are intelligent enough to collect information from the sensing environment. But there are various challenges in WSN and limited energy is one of them. Nature inspired algorithms provides best solutions to various challenges in WSN. This paper proposes a decentralized clustering algorithm
more » ... for WSN based on the colonial behavior of social insects i.e. honey bee. In this paper we evaluate the clustering algorithm by using first order radio model. The purpose of this research paper is to form efficient clusters by optimal selection of cluster head on the basis of parameters such as distance, centrality, node degree and energy so that minimum energy for the transmission of data to the base station is consumed. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm reduces the energy consumption and our network survives for a longer period of time.
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2018.1148 fatcat:czfwuta34jhuvpkclvhjmxvqoy