Capacities of Agents of Change in Promoting SATRIYA Codes of Conduct in Yogyakarta Special Region Government

Ambar Teguh Sulistiyani, I. Made Krisnajaya, Agnes Sunartiningsih, Muammar Yuliana, Kristi Yuliani
2017 Proceedings of the International Conference on Ethics in Governance (ICONEG 2016)   unpublished
Institutionalization of SATRIYA codes of conduct has been an integral part of Yogyakarta Special Region government's efforts to improve their capacities in delivering public services. SATRIYA is now a subject of massive and intensive socialization and internalization carried out by the Bureau of Organization which covers almost all levels of government units. However, the institutionalization of SATRIYA has not been a satisfaction. Therefore, in 2014 the government formed a group of agents of
more » ... ange which consisted of selected civil servants from all units of government. The forming of the group has been a strategic step promoting SATRIYA codes of conduct in the whole Yogyakarta Special Region government. The Group's job is to put SATRIYA principles into action plans consisting task breakdown structures and a list of activities representing all principles of SATRIYA. All civil servants in Yogyakarta Special Region government are expected to comply with the action plans as a set of what-to-do guidance. The most challenging task of the Group is to facilitate civil servants to orientate their actions to SATRIYA principles. One of the Group's critical success measures is the capacity to develop a conducive-workplace environment for SATRIYA principles to be put into practice accordingly. Therefore, the action plans produced by the Group should provide effective role model, slogans and symbols to promote SATRIYA as a common set of normative standards and value patterns in Yogyakarta Special Region government.
doi:10.2991/iconeg-16.2017.97 fatcat:doebkh6anbeupg432qttxq4ocq