The Nanaimo Free Press [Tuesday, April 4, 1922] [article]

(:Unkn) Unknown, University, My, University, My
Wln^on OmrchlU An»o»ncM hoL ondon, Churchill, 10 Ho ndon. April rhlll. Colonial louse of Comi ed to ihe Post Field Arial between "",j, jy March »r l"••"•■ . be token •Iso be sskei In favor or of Dayllfht on last year's II be allowed to MMimTION TREiTIESSIffi ATCOnd ' mro in ravi ..%• AU electors , __ Îcipal reauter will be altow^to and any one producinr a i^ht. Ho declared that be was not i"" pet,...____ ___ 'he owners of the park, to say w ther It should be ued on Sunday, Aid. Randle objected
more » ... o a vote be token. He declared that football -------, _.w.e. inac lo tyers should not be stopped I t'he" catering to class. If a I taken he asked that ■ ■ ould be ........... It the closing of of Jean P. Da"!^ a irUely Ifi'a.'lirrij?',.; tacSycS) LONfiDMSSION BEFOKECOni The startling stotemanto made by Me.,^ Pontifax and Kearns before the City Council on Monday, March JOjfS lor ratification of theirs '"7,. Bs signed on behalf of Canada ***? kronnd on Sundays would Washington conference for "S r"*'/,?"?®* '«'«"»'• tlon of armaments. ,*"*• Smith favored the moUon I treaties were signed on be-I*"'***,* Pointing out that t limitation-----------The treaties were sign he con.".""," « by the Pre' -The treaties were half of Canada by SI den. whose report on was tabled In the Hon____ _ mier. This report is to be printed for the use of members. ANSl'AL "BUS.W R\IX" KUITI-» MOXDAT BrBmXQ Miss Winnie Pollard and her clev er little pupils have another treat in store for the young folks of .Vanaln.o. They arc preparing for their second Annual Bunny Ball, which will be held in the I.O.O.F. Hall on Baster Monday evening. Further announcemmntm I.Im* icned on be-if**"*.• Mntlnjf out that th« Robert B^ "® right to allow sport tog"' FOR SALE 8-roomed modem dwelling, tocludlng large sleeping porch, all modem conveniences, to good locaUoB on Milton St., h^rtwr"**'"' " *'"* "* "** MOT WATER HEATING Large garage, holds two cars, chicken house, etc., seven large fruit trees on lot. cherries, apples, etc.
doi:10.25316/ir-6248 fatcat:mz5ce7tmengxvnl2wmwbld6c74