Corrosion Behavior of Nitrided Ni3Al Intermetallic Alloy in 0.5 M H2SO4

E Tapia-Bahena, Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Morelos, CIICAp, Av. Universidad 1001, Col. Chamilpa, 62209- Cuernavaca, Mor., Mexico.
2018 International Journal of Electrochemical Science  
The effect of plasma nitriding on the corrosion behavior of Ni3Al intermetallic alloy in 0.5 M H2SO4 solution at 60 0 C has been investigated by using potentiodynamic polarization curves, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and linear polarization resistance (LPR) measurements. Specimens were plasma nitrided at 500 and 600 0 C during 8, 16 and 24 hours and were characterized by x-ray diffraction and scanning electronic microscopy. Results have shown that the thickness of nitride layer
more » ... ncreased with nitriding time and temperature. Passive film properties were improved by nitriding. The corrosion resistance of nitride specimens increased with an increase either in the nitriding time or temperature. Specimens were susceptible to both uniform and localized types of corrosion.
doi:10.20964/2018.11.03 fatcat:5qmhespsejamneu3wie5jyprpu