1903 BMJ (Clinical Research Edition)  
ogbrea to the BRITISH MEDICAL J OURNAL alo. s"ceisthe orry be statd. AlUTHoRs desiring repriuts of their articles published in the BRITISH MEIDICAL JOVULNA are requested to communicate with the Manager. 42. Strand. W.C.. on receipt of prooL QOREEsPONDENTS who wish niotice Wi be taken ot their communications shouldautheni cate them ith their names-of course not necessarily for publication. E0EBBSPONDENTS not answered are requested to look at the Notioes to Oorrespondemt of the following week.
more » ... USCRIPTS FORWARDED TO THU OiFIee1e THIS JOURNAL CANNOT UNIDER AN CIRCUXSTANCES BE RETURNED. IN order to avoid delay, it is particcilarly-reuested that ALL letters on the editorial bes. nes of the J ouRNAL be addressed to the Editor at the Offlce of the JouRAL, and nO at his private house. fELEGRAPHIe ADDRESS.-The telegraphic address of the EDITOR of tht BRITIsU MDICAL JOURNAL is Aitiolopjl, Lin. The telegaphic address ot the MANAGED at the BRITISH MERDICAL J OURN AL is Arttculate. London. £ Queries, answers, and communications relating to subjects to wohich the special departments of the BIrTIsH MBDICAL JOURNAL are devoted wiU be found under their respective headings. QjERIESL . fl. A. asks for hints as to the use of acetylene lamps for cycles. A. B. desires to know the name of any towns where hospital residents are appointed subject to the condition of not starting in practice there before the lapse of a certain period. ANSWERS. W. M., who is Interestedin a child. aged 3, who is deficient both mentally and physically" might applv to the Lady Superintendent of the Invalid and Incurable Children's It ome, Witney, Oxon. DiR. SuTroN.-If the youth iR simply feeble-minded application might be made to the Secretary of the National Association for Promoting the Welfare of the Feeble-blinded, 53, Victoria Street, Westminster. It certifiably imbecile application might be made to W. Howard, Esq., Secretary Earlswood Asylum, 36, King William Street, London Bridge, E.C. Farm and garden work are tauglht by the former, and a variety of occupations are pro-ided by the latter society. DRIGALSKI AND CONRADI's TYPHOID CULTUTRE MEDIITM. WE do not know the details of preparation of Kubel and Tiemann's litmus
doi:10.1136/bmj.1.2212.1248 fatcat:ec2xmwfxyza57hi7irw2ks5jci