Higher order mode entanglement in a type II optical parametric oscillator

Jun Guo, Chunxiao Cai, Long Ma, Kui Liu, Hengxin Sun, Jiangrui Gao
2017 Optics Express  
Nonclassical beams in high order spatial modes have attracted much interest but they exhibit much less squeezing and entanglement than the fundamental spatial modes, limiting their applications. We experimentally demonstrate the relation between pump modes and entanglement of first-order HG modes (HG10 entangled states) in a type II OPO and show that the maximum entanglement of high order spatial modes can be obtained by optimizing the pump spatial mode. To our knowledge, this is the first time
more » ... to report this. Utilizing the optimal pump mode, the HG10 mode threshold can be reached easily without HG00 oscillation and HG10 entanglement is enhanced by 53.5% over HG00 pumping. The technique is broadly applicable to entanglement generation in high order modes.
doi:10.1364/oe.25.004985 pmid:28380765 fatcat:2g2g53riw5hytgujzfewn25xtm